How Immigration Enforcement Works (or Doesn’t) in Real Life

A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies, “Deportation Basics: How Immigration Enforcement Works (or Doesn’t) in Real Life,” discusses the ground-level process of what is now called “removal proceedings” and the issues that surround it. The report is available at here. Among the findings: •A large percentage of aliens flee from removal proceedings … Read more

Criminal Defense Counsel Has a Sixth Amendment Obligation to Inform a Defendant About Immigration Consequences

Supreme Court holds that criminal defense counsel has a Sixth Amendment obligation to inform a defendant about immigration consequences or to advise when  consequences are clear. The case, Padilla v. Kentucky, involved a Vietnam War veteran who has resided lawfully in the U.S. for over 40 years.  His criminal defense lawyer advised him on the guilty plea … Read more

Firearm Offenses, Deportation & Inadmission

Certain firearm offenses will result in deportation. INA Section 237(a)(2)(C) states that “any alien who at any time after admission is convicted under law of purchasing, selling, offering for sale, exchanging, using, owning, possessing, or carrying, or of attempting or conspiring to purchase, sell, offer for sale, exchange, use, own, possess, or carry, any weapon, … Read more

Distinction Between “Unlawful Status” and “Unlawful Presence”

Aliens who are unlawfully present and voluntarily departed the United States may face the three-year, ten- year and permanent bar when seeking readmission. However, being in an unlawful immigration status does not necessarily accrue unlawful presence. There are situations in which an alien who is present in an unlawful status nevertheless does not accrue unlawful … Read more

Immigration Consequence of Criminal Activity for Permanent Resident

Permanent residents of the United States have to realize the serious immigration consequence of criminal activity. Criminal activity often is defined as violation of federal, state or foreign criminal law. Among them, crimes involving moral turpitude, aggravated felonies and certain criminal conduct precludes a finding of good moral character would most likely affect a permanent … Read more