New Information on DOS Transition to Electronic DS-260

On September 3, 2013, the Department of State will transition to an online immigrant visa application. Immigrant visa applicants will apply online using Form DS-260 (Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration). Applicants will choose their agent online using Form DS-261 (Choice of Address and Agent). Applicants will access both forms on the web at

These forms replace the paper DS-230 and DS-3032. The National Visa Center (NVC) may instruct some applicants who previously submitted Form DS-230 to submit Form DS-260. Only Diversity Visa and Cuban Family Reunification Parole applicants will continue to use the paper forms.

Generally, if your DS-230 has already been submitted and accepted, the applicant will not need to complete the DS-260 UNLESS instructed to do so by the NVC or a consular officer.

  • If a case is already documentarily qualified and awaiting scheduling, the case will proceed with the DS-230.
  • If a case is still in the document collection phase and a checklist letter is sent for any reason, even if a DS-230 is on file, you will be instructed to complete Form DS-260.
  • If the NVC has already scheduled the consular interview and sent the case to post with the DS-230, then it will stay a DS-230 case. Clients will not need to complete the DS-260 unless a consular officer requests it.
  • If members are ready to send the DS-230 before September 3rd, they can, but if the case is not documentarily qualified, you will receive a checklist letter which includes completing Form DS-260. However, if the DS-230 is complete and is the last thing needed to make the case documentarily qualified, members may send the DS-230 at this time.
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